
Participation of representative of DSCM, Department of Defense Technology at 129th Panel A Meeting

20. 04. 2017


Representative of Directorate of Standardization, Codification and Metrology, Department of Defense Technology, MoD Republic of Serbia participated at 129th Panel A meeting Group of National Directors on Codification AC/135, which was held from 14 to 17 March  2017 in Luxembourg.

Meeting was held according to the defined plan connected with  implementation of processes and methods of work and analyzing  of codification data format to facilitate the automatic processing and exchange through IT communication.

Panel A is responsible for the maintenance of the whole rules established in the Codification Publication ACodP-1 and it is held twice a year.

Management information System working group meeting was held during The Panel A meeting. Management Information System is the tool of AC/135 for monitoring and implementation rules related to data quality.

The main goal of participation at the meeting is improvement of codification data quality and work of National Codification Bureau of Republic of Serbia.


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